Goal setting:SMART approach

For most of us, the goals we set before and during January 2024 are unfortunately not going to materialise the same way it didn’t in the years before. Harsh reality!

We work hard yearly to avoid becoming one of those people whose NYR’s never materialise yet we end up becoming one of those.

In previous years,I have had to recycle my vision boards and only changed the colours because I never worked hard enough to attain what I planned to work on and my very many goals were simply unattainable compared to my drive. Stats show Im not the only one so this year,Im determined to fix this permanently.

For each month this year, I have decided to set one goal and focus on it which means I have exactly 12 goals to work on. Now, I have checked with the SMART approach to ensure they are specific,measurable,achievable,relevant and time bound and I am ready to get to work.

This follows me watching a video from a millionaire who said goal(S) distract and facilitate the abortions of goals so to counter that, the focus. should be one goal.

I can’t do one goal for a whole year so I will do one goal a month.

Im slowly finding this to be true and no I haven’t seen financial results to back this because I have only practised it for 2 months.I have however seen the clarity,progress and success I have had with my businesses and Social media platforms.

Other goals essentially can be a distraction and can be like several opened tabs on a pc/laptop containing uncompleted tasks.

Goals are not always the only distractions, social media(SM), children, friends, tv etc are all distractions and the only way to eliminate it is to go back to the idea of utilising and stewarding time or our 24 hours well.

I personally have a goal to reduce social media and tv watching since I lose time when I give my attention to those things. I allow my deadlines to drive me in achieving my goals by certain time.

If you are looking to implement some serious goals this year, I encourage you to try the smart approach and the Eisenhower Matrix. They are incredibly helpful.

I have been consistently using Notion since December and it has helped me articulate my thoughts and given me time to review my plans and goals. I constantly write them down, track my progress and use them as visual reminders because I forget to prioritise them in the midst of the noise sometimes.

Another thing I have been doing that’s been helping me a lot is writing down all the days of the month,numbering them vertically and assigning tasks to those days in advance so I know what I should be doing every day. I refer to it every morning or when I forget what I’m meant to be doing

Have you tried Notion,Asana,Trello etc

What do you use for your goal setting. Are there any apps or tools I should know Comment below!

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