How do moms do it?with both hands everyday

No picture captures my story the last 2 years more than this one.
You can have a million people around helping faithfully and still feel like you are doing it all alone.
That’s how parenting is like.
Both of my hands have been working,sometimes reluctantly because this tiring yet very honourable and blessed job never ends.

One comment

  1. I can relate to this. I have a picture from when my first two were small. He was about 15 months and she was 4 months. She is over my shoulder and he is lying across my knees on a pillow. I’m rocking both of them. I was at my mother’s house so many other people were around but when babies are tired they want mommy. It, too, defines my life at that time. But we keep doing it. I went on to have 2 more babies. We do it because we love them.


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